Climate Tech Air Conditioning and Heating offers effective and affordable maintenance and emergency care to help you keep your AC in its best condition. However, as units age, natural wear and tear may reduce their ability to operate efficiently. There comes a time when it may be in your best interest to opt to replace your A/C rather than repair. Here are a few factors to consider when deciding whether a replacement A/C makes more sense than repairs to an existing unit.
How old is you’re A/C?
One base factor when deciding between repair and replacement is the age of your system. If your air conditioning unit is more than 10 years old, it may be time to replace. Most A/C systems are designed to last between 15 and 20 years; however, by the time your unit is 10 years old, your warranty has likely expired and natural wear may be costing you a fortune in repairs and energy consumption. Newer models can offer you higher energy efficiency, a new warranty, and peace of mind. Although old age alone is not all that should determine a replacement, it is an important factor to consider.
What kind of refrigerant does you’re A/C require?
Refrigerant leaks are a relatively common occurrence and a qualified HVAC technician can easily repair the leak and replace the refrigerant. However, if you’re A/C runs on R-22, or Freon, it may be time to replace. One of the industry’s primary refrigerant, Freon, has been discovered to pose serious environment threats. This is why the EPA has initiated a Freon phase out that ensures that this type of refrigerant will no longer be available after 2020. Since the Freon phase out began, the supply of Freon has plummeted and the prices have soared. Now, if your A/C runs on Freon, a leak repair, Freon recharge, and compressor replacement is often comparable to the cost of a new unit. If your unit runs on Freon, a replacement is inevitable. Meanwhile, replacing your unit sooner rather than later can save you money on costly Freon recharges.
How much is your AC costing you?
One of the primary factors that push families towards replacement is the cost of repairs. If your unit is constantly needing repairs or replacement parts, it may be time to look for a newer model. A single major repair may also be a sign that you are due for a replacement. Most experts recommend opting for replacement if it requires more than $800 to repair your existing unit. If your system is less than 10 years old, it may seem reasonable to pay for a large repair to keep the relatively new model running for a few more years. However, odds are this won’t be the only repair or maintenance cost your unit will require. If repairs and replacement costs are beginning to add up, it may be time to invest in a new A/C.
Whether you opt for maintenance and repair or new installation, Climate Tech Air Conditioning and Heating are your local HVAC experts. With competitive pricing, friendly service, and over a decade of experience in Plano and North Dallas, our trusted technicians are ready to find the climate control solution that’s right for you.