Soon, we’ll feel the chill bite of fall that precedes the cold months of winter, and it will be time to switch the thermostat from “cool” to “heat.” To prevent any heating problems and preserve the life of your HVAC equipment, there are a few things you should do to get your system ready for winter. Here are five:
- Change the filter: The filter keeps indoor pollutants from being blown around your home, so make sure it’s clean. If it’s clogged up, your heating system will have to work harder to get warm air through it, and you’ll get more dust floating about.
- Test the thermostat: Before it gets too cold, do a quick test with the thermostat. Turn it up and wait. If you don’t get hot air through the unit within a minute or two, or if nothing happens at all, you may need to get the unit serviced. Additionally, odd noises and smells may also indicate a mechanical problem (which often could be dangerous).
- Cover the outdoor AC unit: Once winter hits, the outdoor unit isn’t likely to see any use for a few months, so clean it and cover it to prevent debris from settling in during the winter.
- Clean the vents: To distribute heating effectively, the vents need to be unobstructed. Otherwise, you could have a system cycle for too long trying to get hot air through a blocked vent. This is not only a matter of energy usage, but it’s a safety concern as well. Make sure the vents are clean and unobstructed.
- Get the system checked: Nothing compares to a professional evaluation of your HVAC system when it comes to keeping it in good running order. Schedule a consultation with a skilled heating and cooling specialist to make sure everything is optimized for winter performance.
When getting your HVAC system prepared for winter, you will want professional assistance. This fall, contact us at Climate Tech Air Conditioning and Heating to schedule a checkup before the cold sets in.