How to Save Energy and Cut Cooling Costs

The summer is staring to wear down, but temperatures are still up and you still need to keep cool. Running the AC constantly can get expensive though. Fortunately, there are ways to keep the istock_102639399_medium-2temperatures down and cut cooling costs this summer.


  • Clean the filter: When it comes to cooling costs, one constant is keeping the air filter clean. Make sure it’s replaced regularly to let air circulate freely throughout the building. In general, most air filters need to be changed every one or two months.
  • Up the thermostat at night: While you can keep the thermostat down during the day (around 70-75°F should work), it helps to raise it at night. Since nights are cooler, you won’t need to run the AC as much, and keeping it from running at night can save you on energy costs. Using a programmable thermostat makes this task much simpler.
  • Use fans: Fans can help circulate air through the house, making it feel cooler without necessarily lowering the actual temperature. Consider opening some windows and arranging fans to create sort of a wind tunnel through the building.
  • Use a towel: A damp towel draped in front of an open window or over a blowing house fan can absorb heat from the air and create a fresh, ocean-like breeze that’s an absolute delight during hot, muggy days.
  • Keep equipment in good repair: Naturally, to operate most efficiently, your air conditioner system should be kept in good working condition. It it’s in bad repair, it will end up working harder to do its job, thus using more energy. A regular checkup on the AC by an HVAC professional is key to maintaining energy efficiency.


These tips can help you reduce your reliance on your air conditioner while decreasing the energy used when it’s on. Making sure the system is properly designed for your home is also important. To determine whether your AC is costing you more than you should, contact a professional like Climate Tech Air Conditioning and Heating to get it checked out.

2016-09-29T11:46:34-05:00September 29th, 2016|HVAC|

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